Dixon Brothers on leading the charge to the next generation of DJ’s!


We sat down with KISS Fresher’s presenters, Justin and Adrian Dixon following the successful launch of their DJ Talent inspired KISS Freshers.

“We’ve been in the lab over the past year developing a syllabus for our forthcoming DJ school. We’ve always had a strong focus on helping develop the next generation of DJs. Both of our careers really kicked off at Uni and after hearing about the social restrictions that have affected this years students and student DJs we thought it’d be great to try to offset that by connecting them with an amazing platform to showcase their skills”.

The duo point out how when the idea came to mind, they immediately pitched the idea to Rebecca Frank [Content Director for KISS] and received the green relatively quickly to run with it.

The duo explain that the show itself stands out due to its nature focused on the next generation of DJs, with DJ’s behind the helm of the project. KISS Freshers was created in direct response to a dramatic shift in the way we interact with each other, they explain. “We’ve all had to adapt to a new way of living and as a result new opportunities have been formed that may not have existed in other times. For an hour every Sunday night it’s all about shining a light on new talent who for some; are at the very beginning of their DJ journey”.

The duo aspire to consistently break the mould. Highlighting how throughout their career they have always tried to be unique in any decision they make. Their aspirations constantly evolve, but are underpinned by drive to show the next generation what can be acieved when you dedicate yourself to a goal [whilst having fun doing so]!

The Dixon brothers highlight how they started out wanting to “batter clubs and keep the people on that floor”. However, the boys have grown to realize that the real journey is much more than simply smashing venues and enjoying life changing experiences…”it’s also about making sure that we’re pulling the next generation of talent through the door, providing opportunities advice and friendship…whilst we ragdoll them around the dancefloor!” The boys point to their family as the focal point of inspiration in driving them to get to where they are today. Whilst mentioning a host of guides they have had the pleasure of meeting along their journey, ranging from Jazzy Jeff, Fatman Scoop, Alicia Keys, Mervyn Lyn, Andy Roberts, the list just goes on…

The brothers are big foodies, and point to their foodie podcast for some good laughs GAS MRK TEN. The duo’s advice is that if you believe in yourself you can do it! The brothers point to a number of  platforms you can use to create your own live streamed show. “To never accept no…self belief is super important but never be afraid to ask for advice”!

Find out more: https://preview.planetradio.co.uk/kiss-fresh/station/on-air/kiss-freshers/