Director of Communication, Engagement & Insight /Cyfarwyddwr Cyfathrebu, Ymgysylltu a Mewnwelediadu



    Developing the organisation’s strategic framework and direction, through creation and management of plans and strategies and its performance management framework to ensure delivery.

    Supporting the design and introduction of a framework of national standards, policies, methodologies and approaches to engagement, representation, and complaints advocacy.

    Building and enhancing the awareness, understanding and reputation of the organisation by managing a comprehensive public affairs function incorporating communications, engagement, and partnerships.

    Developing and maximising the use of organisational intelligence to drive decision making and support the delivery of the organisation’s functions at local, regional, and national levels.

    Developing evidence-based policy positions on matters relating to health and social care services to inform and influence health and care policy makers.

    Overseeing and leading national programmes and projects.

    Working flexibly as part of the senior management team.

    Ensuring the principles of equality, diversity, inclusion, and sustainability are embedded throughout the organisation.

    Datblygu fframwaith a chyfeiriad strategol y sefydliad, trwy greu a rheoli cynlluniau a strategaethau a’i fframwaith rheoli perfformiad er mwyn sicrhau cyflawniad.

    Cefnogi’r gwaith o ddylunio a chyflwyno fframwaith o safonau cenedlaethol, polisïau, methodolegau a dulliau o ymgysylltu, cynrychiolaeth ac eiriolaeth cwynion.

    Adeiladu a gwella ymwybyddiaeth, dealltwriaeth ac enw da’r sefydliad trwy reoli swyddogaeth materion cyhoeddus cynhwysfawr sy’n ymgorffori cyfathrebu, ymgysylltu a phartneriaethau.

    Datblygu a gwneud y defnydd gorau o wybodaeth sefydliadol i ysgogi penderfyniadau a chefnogi’r gwaith o gyflawni swyddogaethau’r sefydliad ar lefelau lleol, rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol.

    Datblygu safbwyntiau polisi sy’n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth ar faterion sy’n ymwneud â gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol i lywio llunwyr polisïau iechyd a gofal a dylanwadu arnynt.

    Goruchwylio ac arwain rhaglenni a phrosiectau cenedlaethol.

    Gweithio’n hyblyg fel rhan o’r uwch dîm rheoli.

    Sicrhau bod egwyddorion cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth, cynhwysiant a chynaliadwyedd wedi’u gwreiddio ym mhob rhan o’r sefydliad.