Swedish Producer Bontruce on his debut single Salvation


“I think that’s the most important thing if you strive to be good at something. I always get inspiration from my loved ones, even though they are not involved in music, they inspire me to reach for the stars! “

We caught up with rising Swedish producer Bontruce following the release of his debut single Salvation. The artist pointing out that music was not something he actively chose to pursue when he started out. Writing songs has always been very natural to Bontruce, so found he was naturally drawn to the whole process. Having begun investing a lot more time in his music at the age of 12, the young producer has not looked back since. He highlights how from the age of 17-18, he started to upload his music to Soundcloud, and by chance posted his music to facebook, which sparked off a fortuitous stream of events leadning to Sony Music getting in touch for a meeting.


Bontruce explains how his debut song is a result of his development as an artist to date. The story of how it led him to meeting his team who are the backbone of helping Bontruce realize his vision as an artist.I understand more about how the international music industry works and what it takes to make a breakthrough”.  When it comes to his music, Bontruce is very much enjoying the motions that come with being creative, and points out that if people like his music too, that’s a bonus. Keen to take listeners on a journey and make them discover something new and exciting.

Bontruce opens up about dealing with anxiety pointing out how he feels we have all been there.  The key for the artist is having a clear goal and to not get lost in the bad thoughts. “To start with small things, get up in the morning at the same time, go to bed at the same time. Get rid of your phone, don’t spend 6 hours on your phone every day. Always talk with someone about what you feel, that helps a lot to clear your thoughts and get back on track”. 

The Juggernaut

For the Swedish artist, social media is a very important tool. A platform that used correctly can really help get your music out to a far wider reach. Although he admits, it’s something he has yet to get the knack for..”a work in progress”.  This being said, he highlights the importance of having a team that believes in your vision. He points to the key principle of trusting yourself. Be original and spend hours on honing your craft. To just create, as you only improve by experimenting on new material.

Whilst the artist finds every day challenging, he is clear in his mind where he wants to be, and is determined to get there. Highlighting how if you want to be better, you need to constantly challenge yourself. He explains how is continually working on new material, in addition to linking up with other artists for collaborations in the future. #Watchthisspace

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