Newcastle Artist Aidan Martin on his new release “Good Things Take Time” & opening...

Aidan Martin is a Singer & Songwriter from Newcastle. After a long journey of struggling with self-acceptance and a period of drug use and...

Design a COP 26 Poster Competition – Winning posters displayed on 2000+ screens around...

School children around the UK entered the Boomerang Education Ltd Design a Poster COP 26 Competition to create a portrait poster to persuade and...

What Actually Happens In Our Body When We Feel Anxiety?

Fear and anxiety have similar responses, but there are a few key differences. They result in similar physiological and behavioural responses, and both Fear and...

Why You Shouldn’t Get Your Nutrition Info From Influencers

Here are some reasons why you shouldn't listen to Instagram influencers, but the actual experts. The internet can be a great place. I love how...

It’s Bananas – The In Game Review

It’s Bananas is the sort of game that cannot fail to break the ice or end in hilarity! It involves wearing a monkey tail (that...

Irish Artist Aimée on her latest single “Just a Phase” & the art of...

We caught up with Irish Songstress Aimée following the release of her latest single "Just A Phase". A single, she explains was inspired from...

Scrubbee: Review of the new generation of Coffee Face Scrub

Natural, vegan, cruelty free... it’s hard to find reasons not to try Scrubbee if you’re on the hunt for a healthy new addition to...

NY Artist Mark Ambor on his new single “Company” & working through the pressure...

Emerging as one of this year’s most exciting independent artists, we caught up with New York artist Mark Ambor prior to release of his...

EPISODE 33: Venezuelan/US Super Star & Music Artist Angelic Montero It takes more than just incredible talent to make it in today’s crowded, digital music-verse. Musicians these days need drive… artists need more than...

How To Be Positive When Feeling Low

One of the hardest challenges we may face is to stay positive and optimistic while our schedule is filled with many obligations. Many people...